Kyiv City adopts European standards in Tuberculosis control
March 23, 2005.
*** Tuberculosis is an infectious disease with serious consequences for those who suffer from it. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, tuberculosis has been on the increase in Ukraine. The number of patients diagnosed every year has more than doubled since independence. Although tuberculosis is a curable disease there has also been a big increase in the number of people dying from it. Anyone may get tuberculosis; most patients are young middle class adults. Many of those who die from tuberculosis have never been treated. This situation calls for a new approach. With support from the European Union, Kyiv City has made great progress in introducing a new tuberculosis control strategy that meets European standards.
Under the new strategy, tuberculosis control activities have been decentralized. Polyclinics play an important role in finding and treating cases of tuberculosis. Being diagnosed with tuberculosis no longer means having to spend up to a year in hospital. In Kyiv tuberculosis patients receive most of their treatment as out patients in polyclinics or Red Cross medical facilities.
The first positive results of the new strategy are already apparent. The number of tuberculosis patients found in Kyiv has increased in 2004, but the number of patients dying from the disease is decreasing. For the first 1-2 years a further increase in patients diagnosed with tuberculosis is expected, as the system to find such patients has improved. After that, we expect a decrease, just as this has been observed in central European countries.
The polyclinics in Kyiv City are ready to receive anyone who might be suffering from tuberculosis. The earlier treatment is started, the better the chances of recovery. After 1-2 months on treatment, tuberculosis patients can no longer infect those living around them. What the public needs to know is: ’If you cough for more than 2-3 weeks, go to your polyclinic!’ For those who want more information, brochures are available at polyclinics and pharmacies in Kyiv City.