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Project “Improvement of Logistic Services and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture” announces its commencement

April 18, 2005.

    *** The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of the Ukraine and the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine initiated Project “Improvement of Logistic Services and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture” which was designed by the European Union’s Technical Assistance Programme to increase incomes to household producers and agro-food producers SMEs to improve the social and economic welfare of the rural population and to contribute to the privatization process in agriculture, promote the rationalisation of marketing channels and to help stabilise the interests of market participants.
    The Project, which is managed by a consortium led by Scanagri Sweden, commenced in March 2005. The project purpose is to increase awareness about existing logistics shortcomings amongst SME in agriculture, assist the development of improvement strategies, promote their implementation and the creation of transparent wholesale structures, especially for small-farm producers and SMEs, and assist in agrarian policy advice including recommendations on changes required in legislation and regulations.
    The two-year project “Improvement of Logistic Services and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture” will comprise 5 components and will operate in, at least, 2 pilot oblasts. It is expected to achieve the following results:
    ° A fresh supply chain for fruits or vegetables will be set up
    ° A procurement group will be set up
    ° A farmer-centred marketing structure will be developed
    ° A pilot livestock market will be developed
    ° Training will be provided in supply chain logistics and management
    ° Policy advice will be provided to MAP
    ° New credit schemes will be promoted
    ° Training in business planning and credit applications
    The Project will use an extensive network of Ukrainian consultants and companies working closely with EU experts to implement the project.
    The project will also provide free training to the relevant target groups as well as offer a wide variety of training opportunities including work placement and study tours for Project participants.
    For more information about the Project “Improvement of Logistic Services and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture” visit the project website at www.agrilogistics.com.ua.

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation