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Joint Statement by the Presidents of Ukraine, the European Council and the European

November 3, 2014.

    Commission on the occasion of the beginning of the provisional application of the Association Agreement
    We welcome the launch of the provisional application of important parts of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as of 1 November 2014. This follows the aspirations of the Ukrainian people, who have demonstrated their support for closer relations with the European Union, most recently in the parliamentary elections last Sunday.
    The Association Agreement will be a key instrument for carrying out the much-needed reforms in Ukraine in the years to come, underpinned by the EU's support. The provisional application will cover important areas such as the rule of law, the fight against crime and corruption as well as intensified sectorial cooperation. The inaugural meeting of the Association Council, which will define priorities and launch the monitoring of the implementation of the Agreement, will be held before the end of the year.
    We also welcome the extension of the EU autonomous trade preferences for Ukraine until the end of 2015 and reaffirm the importance of adequate preparations for the provisional application of the trade provisions of the Agreement as of 1 January 2016.
    We look forward to swift finalization of the process of ratification of the Association Agreement by all the EU Member States in accordance with their national procedures. The Agreement will contribute to increased prosperity and stability on our continent and create new opportunities for regional cooperation between Ukraine and its neighbours.
    The EU is committed to supporting Ukraine in its path towards a modern European democracy. The Association Agreement does not constitute the final goal in EU-Ukraine cooperation.

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation