On may 26 at the National pedagogical University. M. P. Drahomanov was held a “round-table” conference, where was presented the project
May 29, 2015.
The initiators of the project - which are the heads of public organizations. They joined the NGO “The Institute of Public Self-Organization Development” and were asked to M. Dragomanov University to begin the training of qualified leaders for public organizations of Ukraine.
The heads of public organizations were invited to participate in the roundtable meeting. The organizing Committee is headed by Pro-rector of Learning Support of the humanitarian institutions M. Dragomanov University, Director of the Institute of political science and law, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.Andrusyshyn. Director of the Institute of management and Economics of education M. Dragomanov University, doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor, co-Director of the project V. Bekh and head of the initiative group of the project Manager of the NGO “The Institute of Public Self-Organization Development”, co-Director of project V. Gordin they were all moderators meeting. Presentation of the project "EDUCATION FOR CIVIL SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT" was held by the Director of the “The Institute of Public Self-Organization Development”, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate Professor, O. Lukashevich a report on the relevance of the project for the development of civil organizations in Ukraine was made by the Director of NGO " Rule of law" O. Spornykov. The discussion was attended by scientists and teachers of FSL Poland, Sweden, Hungary M. Dragomanov and heads of public organizations.
During the "round table" V. Bekh announced that the National pedagogical University. M. P. Dragomanov the project "EDUCATION FOR CIVIL SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT", aimed at training specialists in management of public organizations. In the 2015-2016 school year opens training for modern managers of public organizations of Ukraine programme: "Management" with specialization "Management of NGOs" for bachelors and masters, as well as in the specialty "Administrative management" with specialization "Management of development of civil society".
It was decided to hold the next round table 16 June, on the theme of the introductory campaign for the new specialization.