Local Media Call for Applications: Stories Production in Real Time
October 29, 2015.
Regional journalists are invited to apply for a field production workshop, focusing on internally displaced people (IDPs) coverage. First set of a series of trainings tailored for local TV stations, print and online outlets will take place in different regions of Ukraine through November-December. This initiative is a part of the Project Regional Eye: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Regional Media, implemented by the media consortium, funded by the European Union.
The aim of each five-day workshop is that by the end of the training each participant has a high-impact, balanced story for immediate, real time publication, airing on regional media. From the outset, with the support from international (Thomson Foundation) and local media trainers (Institute of Regional Media and Information), participants will identify stories they want to cover, investigate them, analyze, write up, shoot video, edit and have them ready for publishing.
The sessions are specifically designed to embed set formulas of editorial skills and best practice when covering IDP issue, enabling regional media to tackle areas of potential conflict around IDP’s through practical news construction. In the long run, created network of regional journalists and produced stories will serve as a basis for linking Ukraine’s regional media to EU countries newsrooms directly.
For practical reasons, there are trainings calling on ex-and current Donbas and Crimea journalists, workshops for regional print/online and broadcast journalists.
To apply, please send your CV and a brief letter to irmi.ukraine@gmail.com, indicating name of the workshop you are applying for in the subject. If you apply from the National Union of Journalists, in addition, please copy the Union’s address oblik@nsju.org
Schedule, deadlines and eligibility criteria are below:
Broadcast production workshops – regional TV journalists, working for a local TV station are encouraged to apply.
1) Kharkiv – 9 – 13 Nov – application deadline 3 Nov
2) Lviv – 16 – 20 Nov – application deadline 9 Nov
Trainings for ex -and current Donbas – Crimea media – print/online journalists working for the exiled or current media from Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions are encouraged to apply.
2) Kherson – 23 – 27 Nov (Crimean IDPs focused) – application deadline 15 Nov
Print field production mentoring programme – print/online regional journalists, working for local outlets across Ukraine.
1) Vinnytsia – 7 – 11 Dec – deadline 28 Nov
2) Odessa 14 – 18 Dec - deadline 6 Dec
The organizers provide local transportation for workshops’ crews for recoding interviews, photo and video shoots, and cover other costs involved (accommodation, tickets reimbursement, meals, video cameras rent, etc).
For more information about the workshops contact IRMI office at irimi.ukraine@gmail.com or the National Union of Journalists at oblik@nsju.org