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Research grants awarded by CIUS

January 16, 2016.

    The primary purpose of the research grants awarded by CIUS is to encourage and support research on Ukrainian Canadian and Ukrainian subjects in the Humanities and Social Sciences. A publications grant is offered in support of a publishable project (including in electronic form) with a clearly stated scholarly objective and a well-defined plan for reaching that objective. Usually, this would mean support for preparing a manuscript of a scholarly article or monograph.
    Grants can also be offered to support the preparation of displays or other forms of presentation of research results. Please specify the goal of the research that you are asking CIUS to support.
    Research grants are intended to support independent research conceived and carried out by a scholar or a group of scholars. An application must be submitted by the principal investigator on his or her own behalf, not on behalf of or in the name of an institution. In projects involving team research, one person must be designated the principal investigator.
    Research grants are designed primarily to meet the needs of career scholars in universities or other post-secondary institutions as well as private scholars. They are not offered to support research for a degree or course requirements. Research grants are also not offered as publication support, or to subsidize publication costs.
    The Institute will also entertain research proposals whose primary focus is the development or the preparation of specialized material for teaching purposes at the postsecondary level of education. CIUS supports the preparation of textbooks, anthologies, readers, manuals of instruction, bibliographies, and collections of documentary or primary source materials and inventories of archival materials. Grants are usually not given for work intended primarily for use in public schools. As a general rule, translations are not eligible for support, unless they require scholarly preparation. Such work should be clearly identified in the proposal.
    Research grants are intended to defray actual direct costs attributable to a project, not for overhead costs or for personal income.
    A research grant application may be submitted by a scholar on the faculty of a university or other postsecondary institution in Canada or elsewhere, or by a private scholar.
    An application must be submitted by the principal investigator, defined as the scholar who has initiated the project and assumes responsibility for the research. The principal investigator must also take on administrative responsibility associated with holding a grant.
    In projects involving more than one scholar, each collaborator should submit a curriculum vitae and confirm that they have read the research grant application submitted by the principal investigator. The application should also state the role and contribution of each collaborator.
    In order to allow for a thorough evaluation of a research project, applicants should present a clearly defined proposal in which they carefully describe the plan for accomplishing the proposed research. A review of related literature should be included when applicable. While some types of research can be fully described on the application form, the applicant should use additional sheets as necessary to provide all relevant information. Copies of questionnaires, tests or other research instruments should be included where applicable.
    Applicants should provide a statement of the expected duration of a project and an estimate of the total costs involved. Grants are normally issued for one calendar year. Your application should state what you plan to accomplish in that year, and how much this will contribute to your overall goal. If the project for which support is requested forms part of an ongoing or larger proposal, the applicant must describe the entire undertaking in detail. Applicants must inform CIUS of support requested or received from other funding bodies.
    It is recommended that applicants submit a sample of previous work related either to the proposed project or to other scholarly activity.
    Ineligible costs include:
    stipend, income, or honorarium
    contribution to university overhead
    cost of travel to attend conferences
    d. travel costs of family members, unless they are members of the research team
    general reference books and materials, additions to personal or departmental libraries, teaching material
    office equipment (computers, photocopiers, fax machines, etc.)
    costs of banking and exchange
    child-care expenses
    operating and rental expenses of a private automobile
    costs incurred before a grant is announced
    subsistence allowance not related to work on the project.*
    *Subsistence allowances may be applied for to help cover costs spent away from home. They are not expected to cover all living expenses but are intended as a contribution to such costs as accommodation, meals and personal expenses.
    Grants are made on the understanding that investigators agree to observe the specific conditions in the grant offer and the general policies and procedures outlined in this guide. The Institute reserves the right to withdraw a grant after due notice if it is found that the conditions are not being observed or if the project no longer seems viable.
    A research report and an itemized statement of expenditures (financial report) along with copies of receipts for major expenses must be returned to the Institute within six months of the end of the grant period.
    A grant will only be awarded after receipt of a signed letter from the principal investigator acknowledging and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the grant offer.
    Failure to live up to the terms and conditions of the grant offer shall be just cause for the Institute, if it so desires, to terminate an agreement and to recover from the principal investigator all amounts hitherto advanced.
    Grants are usually paid in September directly to the applicant. Research grants may not be used to cover expenses incurred before the date on which an award is announced.
    If the grant holder requires additional funds for a project for use during the period covered by a grant, a request may be presented in the form of a letter, which should clearly justify the need and provide a break down of estimated expenses as well as a current financial statement. This request should be made before the expenses are incurred.
    Financial Reports:
    An itemized financial report is to be submitted no later than six months following the end of the grant period. Original receipts should accompany the report, where relevant (for major expenses), or scanned copies of the originals.
    Report on Research Activities and Manuscripts/Research Results:
    A report on research activities must accompany the final report of expenditures. The report should outline the accomplishments of the research work and provide brief explanations if any research goals were not reached. If research or student assistants participated in the project, a brief description of their work must be included. A manuscript/research results should be submitted to CIUS as well upon completion.
    The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) reserves the right in case of uncertainty to interpret the provisions of this Guide and any conditions attached to the grant offer. Applications for grants should be completed electronically on the designed form and submitted to ciusappl@ualberta.ca. The required two letters of reference should also be e-mailed to the same address.
    The CIUS accepts applications in Ukrainian. Please see the set of instructions, if you decide to apply in the Ukrainian language.
    Applications must be submitted by 1 March 2016.
    The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies strongly encourages all recipients of research grants to consider submitting their manuscript to CIUS Press (if book-length) or to the editor of CIUS’s online journal, East/West-Journal of Ukrainian Studies, for publication.
    More information: http://bit.ly/1PwcWEn

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation