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Intermarium grant to study in Poland

April 20, 2016.

    Any secondary/high school graduate with a Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Ukrainian or Belarusian passport can apply for the Intermarium grant. So, if you are a secondary school graduate (recent or from many years back) and a citizen of any of the above-mentioned countries, you are eligible for a 10-month tuition waiver for undergraduate studies in Poland. There is no age limit either.
    In the academic year 2016/2017 we are offering the first year of undergraduate (B.A.) studies in English Philology at WSHE (Wyzsza Szkola Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna) in Brzeg (a town in Southwestern Poland, in-between the much bigger cities of Wroclaw and Opole). The classes start in October 2016. The language of instruction is English. (The minimum English proficiency requirement for students is the B2 level). The application deadline is 9 September 2016. We encourage candidates to apply early, however, because the number of grants is limited and they will be allocated on the first-come first-served basis.
     After completing the first year of studies the Intermarium grantees are under no obligation to continue their studies in Poland (or anywhere else). They can leave after the first year (or earlier) without paying anything, i.e. they will not be subject to any extra fees because of discontinuing the B.A. program. (The entire B.A. program lasts for 3 years.)
     If you are interested, please email it back to us (labore.nobilis@op.pl). We will get back to you within 3 working days with more details. Classes will be held once a week.
    Please note that the Foundation does not reimburse travel or accommodation costs.
    More information: http://www.laborenobilis.pl/index.php/program-intermarium/cele-programu.
    LABORE NOBILIS Foundation

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation