November 2, 2004.
Permit me to call your attention to the «Parliamentary NGO Club» Project initiated by the «Rule of Law» Foundation and the «Eurasia» Fund. What is the kernel of it? Non-governmental organizations - the so called «third sector» - are in the whole world determined as «groups of people trying to influence the decision taking process, but not making attempts to establish the full political control of the state».The Ukrainian «third sector» originates in1992 when the Supreme Council adopted the Law of Ukraine «On Citizens’ Associations». In conformity with the mentioned Law political parties and public organizations have been formed. However, it can be said in all fairness, that the view of citizens of Ukraine and separate politicians of the «third sector» is still at a very low level. Ideally, the NGO shall be a transitional link between the state and the market economy. But unfortunately at present there is a situation when the NGO do not influence taking strategic decisions in the state and in practice do not have an opportunity to perform their main function - that of the citizens’ interests protection. It is strengthening the relations between non-governmental organizations and the legislative power of Ukraine that is stipulated by the establishment of the «Parliamentary Club of Ukrainian NGO». In the opinion of the organizers of the Project such form of cooperation between representatives the NGO and the deputies’ corps will make it possible:
* to develop direct contacts between the parliamentarians and representatives of the Ukrainian and international NGO;
* to expand the access of the Ukrainian NGO to the direct bearer of the legislative power;
* to acquaint the legislators in details with the problems of the citizens represented by the relevant NGO.
After all, the mission of the Project coincides with the nation-wide interests of the parliamentarism development and rendering social and legal assistance to our citizens. Mr. Volodymyr Ivanovych Bondarenko, a People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Chairman of the Parliamentary Sub-Committee on the Election and Public Organizations Legislation was elected President of the «Parliamentary Club of NGO». Sittings of the Club will be held in the form of «round- table discussions», once a month, in the rooms of the Supreme Council of Ukraine at the address: 18/2 Grushevsky Str., audience-hall No.12. On October 22nd the first sitting of the Club already took place, its theme being «The Influence of Public Organizations on Taking State Decisions».The following theme will be «Women’s, Youth and Children’s Public Organization in Ukraine, Problems of the Sector Functioning». The sitting will be held on November 26th, 2003. Then, on December 17th, - «Human Rights? Are All of Them Guaranteed to You? /Activity of Law Protective and Law Enlightenment Organizations in Ukraine/». In February - Ethnic rights in Ukraine. Mach – Penalty reform in Ukraine/ April – Environment rights in Ukraine/ Then, within the year the themes of reform, rights of entrepreneurs’ associations, rights of disabled people, veterans, problems of culture, sports, science etc. Will be considered. An important component of the Project is the information result - five documentary films will be shot using the Club sittings materials. They will be distributed among the regional TV Companies and will be shown on the air of the TV Companies - partners of the Project - in all the regions of Ukraine. Representatives of the Press will be invited to all the sittings. Representatives of the largest non-governmental organizations of Ukraine will take part in the sittings. During the sittings the audio record protocols will be kept as well as the text protocols which will be then submitted to the relevant committees and commissions of the Supreme Council for acquaintance and decisions making. A separate bulletin will be published and sent to the public organizations.
Briefly regarding the possible results of the Project.
Despite the fact that the decisions worked out in the Club will not be of obligatory character, owing to the People’s Deputies of Ukraine - participants of the Club - a certain representatives’ thought will be formed in the Ukrainian Parliament. Informal contacts of the NGO representatives with parliamentarians, statesmen and representatives of the press will be of great significance. And this is one more opportunity for the People’s Deputies to meet with their electors.
We hope that you will be interested in the cooperation within the bounds of the Project, since the Project will promote the formation of the civil society in Ukraine and will be an example of constructive cooperation of the Parliament with the Ukrainian third sector. You can read more about the Project on our web-site: www.rol.org.ua
Yours very truly,
Lidiya Gusyna
Project Coordinator