UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Public Day of Discussion to Focus on Children Without Parental Care
March 14, 2005.
*** The Committee on the Rights of the Child has decided to devote its next
day of general discussion, September 16, 2005 in Geneva, to the theme of
children without parental care. The aim of the general discussion will
be to discuss those aspects of the issue that have proved most
problematic for States parties in order to contribute to the eventual
drafting of UN Guidelines for the Protection of Children without
Parental Care.
The first working group will focus on the States' role in preventing
regulating the institutionalisation of children. The second working
group will focus on meeting the challenges of out-of-home care
provision. The working groups will focus on identifying practical
solutions in order to ensure that children's rights are respected.
Read the full story here: http://www.iicrd.org/cap/node/view/422