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Стипендіальна програма в Оксфордському університеті

1 червня, 2005 р.

    *** Фонд Reuters Foundatіon повідомляє про конкурс стипендій, у якому можуть взяти участь журналісти країн, що розвиваються, і країн з перехідною економікою. Учасники конкурсу (від 28 років) повинні мати щонайменше 5-літній професійний стаж у будь-якому напрямку журналістики. У рамках програми фінансується проїзд, проживання, добові. Тривалість стипендії - 3, 6 чи 9 місяців.Крайній термін подачі заявок - 31 грудня . Форми заявок
    Переклад повідомлення виконаний співробітниками НТ-ИНФОРМ ("Наука й Інновації").
    Oxford fellowship - applying
    I. Eligibility
    Reuters Foundation offers fully funded Fellowships to well established journalists from the developing world and countries in transition. The minimum age requirement is 28 years and applicants must have a minimum of five years experience in any branch of journalism. Other Fellowships are available for journalists from Eastern and Western Europe, Japan, New Zealand and the United States of America. Applications are also considered from journalists able to arrange their own funding.
    II. Duration
    Dates of entry are agreed with the Programme Director. Fellowships may be for three, six or nine months covering one or two terms or a full academic year respectively.
    III. Funding
    Awards may include travel expenses (economy class), accommodation and a modest living allowance. This arrangement is subject to variation.
    Under no circumstances will Reuters Foundation pay the travel or living costs of visiting spouses or dependents.
    IV. Submissions
    Please send a completed application form plus the following:
    A biography of up to 250 words outlining your career.
    A description of up to 1000 words decribing the intellectual and social values that shape your work in journalism, including a discussion of the origin of these values.
    A statement of up to 1000 words explaining what you would like to study and why and the relevance of such study to your career objectives.
    A reference from your employer, supporting your application and granting leave of absence.
    A character reference from a professional who knows you personally.
    Please provide five articles or reports (more that five will not be reviewed), including dates and names of the publications.
    A translation into English must accompany material published in other languages. Applicants for the Medical Fellowship should send examples of their work covering medical issues.
    Applicants in managerial or editorial positions for whom it would be difficult to send work samples should include a statement of up to 500 words describing their work.
    A video, audio-cassette or DC/DVD (maximim 30 minutes) with examples of your work, plus a brief, written description of the material. Please note that other formats cannot be accepted.
    A summary or transcription in English must accompany material in other languages.
    A statement of up to 500 words describing your work and including details of any major programmes for which you have been responsible.
    V. Deadline for Applications
    The deadline for receipt of applications for the Reuters Foundation Fellowship Programme is the 31 December.
    Candidates with their own sources of funding may apply directly at any time to the Director of the Fellowship Programme at Oxford - foundation@green.ox.ac.uk.
    See Funding for details.
    Application Form
    To download a copy of the application form click here.
    To apply online click here.

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