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Програма Розвитку ООН в Україні запрошує зацікавлені організації взяти участь у конкурсі

13 червня, 2005 р.

    *** на підготовку та проведення конференції щодо впровадження Україною Конвенції про заборону використання протипіхотних мін (Оттавська конвенція).
    Метою організації-переможця конкурсу є підготовка та проведення дводенної конференції у Києві, присвяченої стратегії та заходам з боку України щодо впровадження цілей Оттавської Конвенції, обробка матеріалів, отриманих в результаті конференції, та підготовка звітів.
    Захід має бути організований у тісній співпраці з Урядом України, в першу чергу Міністерством Закордонних Справ України та представниками міжнародних організацій та місій, донорів (Уряд Канади, Угорщини, ін.)
    Технічне завдання, вимоги до заявників та умови подання пропозицій розміщено у доданому файлі.
    Останній термін подання документів – 4 липня 2005 року.
    Джерело : Програма Розвитку ООН в Україні
    for organizing the conference on Ukraine’s Implementation of the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Treaty (Ottawa Convention)
    1. Introduction
    Ukraine has been a signatory to the AP Mine Ban Treaty (Ottawa Convention) since 1998 and recently ratified it. One of the priorities for implementation of the treaty is meeting the four year stockpile destruction obligation specified in the Ottawa Convention. Important is the issue of resources and the technical difficulties involved in safely destroying the stockpiles of PFM landmines stockpiles in Ukraine. At the current stage, the Government of Ukraine looks forward to working with the donor partners on the landmines destruction initiative. It is important that international efforts aimed at helping Ukraine in destroying the PFM landmines stockpiles support the country’s efforts to meet the obligations of the Ottawa Convention which Ukraine ratified.
    2. Scope of the work:
    The Contractor is to prepare and conduct a 2-day conference in Kyiv for up to 60 participants on Ukraine’s steps on implementation of the Ottawa Convention in Ukraine. The event is to be organized in close partnership with the Government of Ukraine, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Liaizing with the representatives of international organizations and missions/donors (Government of Canada, Hungary) in substantive preparations for the conference. Conducting of the conference is aimed at drafting a roadmap for Ukraine’s movement toward implementation of the Convention and ensuring a wide stakeholders involvement in this process, including the international community.
    2.1. Expected Outputs:
    Preparation and conducting of a conference on Ukraine’s strategy and steps on implementation of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty (Ottawa Convention); finalization of the conference materials/outcomes; reporting to the donor.
    2.2. Tasks:
    - Preparation of the Conference agenda;
    - Ensuring all the organizational and logistical support of the 2-day conference in Kyiv in the summer of 2005 (venues out of city are not accepted);
    - Preparation of all the substantive materials for the Conference;
    - Conducting of the conference and facilitation of its sessions;
    - Preparation of the conference outputs:
    Final report to the donor (including financial statement) in English and in Ukrainian
    Recommendations for the future and Ukraine’s strategy for the Ottawa Convention implementation as defined by the conference participants (in English and in Ukrainian)
    Publication on Ukraine’s Ottawa Convention Ratification and implementation process and future outlook (in English and Ukrainian)
    3. Implementation Arrangements:
    The organization and realization of the Conference will take place during the period of a month and a half (including the follow-up and reporting) in Kyiv.
    The work will be conducted by the Contractor which will be responsible for the organization of the conference, overall analytical work, preparation of the final report, strategy and publication and presenting results to the stakeholders.
    Box 6 – Experience and qualifications of the Contractor
    • Availability of competent staff having experience and knowledge in the sphere of international relations or other relevant field;
    • Familiarity with the issues of the Ottawa Convention process in Ukraine and the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty in general
    • Familiarity with the main stakeholders in Ukraine on the Ottawa Convention and PFM landmines destruction
    • Justified ability to work with multiple partners, including those from the Government of Ukraine and international organizations and missions;
    • Ability to organize and facilitate high level conference, including its substantive and logistical side;
    • Availability of staff with strong analytical and writing skills in English and Ukrainian
    • Excellent ability to analyze results/outcomes of the conference and produce a final report with recommendations
    Box 7 – Selection Criteria
    • Experience and qualifications (40%);
    • Ability to produce high-level results (30%);
    • Cost of the conference (30%).
    Positive experience of cooperation with UNDP agencies is a privilege.
    The proposal should include, but is not limited to:
    1. Information about applicant (see annex 1)
    2. Detailed action plan
    3. Justification of relevant experience and qualifications of the Contractor
    4. Detailed budget (UAH, including VAT)
    5. Examples of applicant’s papers produced in English, preferably in the area related to the subject of the conference.
    Proposals are to be submitted in English.
    Proposals can be submitted:
    - via e-mail to Ksenia.semenova@undp.org
    - by fax +38 044 253 2607
    - via mail to 01021, Ukraine, Kyiv, Klovskyi uzviz, 1. United Nations House in Ukraine marked “Proposal. Conference on Ottawa Convention”.
    Only proposals received by July 04, 2005 inclusive will be taken into consideration.
    Contact person: Ksenia Semenova – (044) 253 9363, or ksenia.semenova@undp.org

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