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The EU Project on Ukraine/Moldova Border Crossing Improvement is to Hold a Workshop in Kiev to Present its Findings and to Review the Possible Methods of Infrastructure Investment

17 лютого, 2004 р.

    For the past year, EU and local experts have been studying methods of improving border crossings between Moldova and Ukraine and multimodal terminals in each country. The results of these studies will now be presented in a Workshop to be held in Kyiv.
    Senior representatives from state organisations, local and international banks and the EU will take part.
    The project began in January 2003, funded by the European Union Tacis Cross Border Programme in conjunction with the TRACECA programme.
    Both Moldova and Ukraine are full participants in the TRACECA Programme, and the Trans-European Network (TEN) Corridor IX passes through both countries.
    These initiatives support the region in improving the transport facilities by road and rail through a reduction in cross-border travel time and by the development of multimodal terminal facilities.
    Local and foreign experts have completed a comprehensive analysis of border crossing points and multimodal facilities between Moldova and Ukraine.
    Subjects to be discussed at the Workshop include the reduction in travel time by the elimination of border bottlenecks, faster procedures and improved security, improved infrastructure, growth of international trade, development of the local economies and increased traffic flow in the region.
    Recommendations for improvement will be highlighted at the Workshop together with the financing options which are available to implement the work needed.
    “Financing the Improvement of Traffic Flow Between Moldova and Ukraine”
    A Workshop supported by the European Union - Hotel Express, Kyiv, February 19th 2004
    Dateline: Kiev – February 11th 2004
    The event will take place at the Express Hotel, (Shevchenko bvd., 38/40, Kyiv), on Thursday 19th February.

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