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*** June 5, 2024. The National Democratic Institute seeks a (Senior) Program Assistant or Program Officer (Kyiv) The National Democratic Institute (NDI) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to strengthen democratic institutions around the world by engaging civil societ ...>>>>>

*** June 1, 2024. Domestic Violence at the Cost of a Netflix Subscription: How a Bill Can Help Abusers Avoid Punishment A bill aligning the Code of Administrative Offenses with the Istanbul Convention has been sent to the President for signing. The Istanbul Convention, a Council of Europe ...>>>>>

*** May 31, 2024. EU provides Ukraine with modern mine-clearing machines The EU Ambassador to Ukraine, Katarina Mathernova, formally handed over three DOK-ING MV-10 mine-clearing systems to the State Emergency Services of Ukraine. This is the latest delivery in the framework of the Europe ...>>>>>

*** May 22, 2024. Extraordinary revenues generated by immobilised Russian assets: Council greenlights the use of net windfall profits to support Ukraine’s self-defence and reconstruction In the light of Russia’s continued war of aggression against Ukraine, the Council today adopted a set o ...>>>>>

*** May 16, 2024. EU and UNDP transfer mobile administrative service centre vehicles to six communities in Ukraine The European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine, in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, have transferred ...>>>>>

*** May 14, 2024. Almost 2000 Children Killed or Injured During Russia’s Full-Scale War Against Ukraine - UNICEF On average, two children a day have been killed or injured in Ukraine since Russia's full-scale invasion. This estimate was shared by UNICEF’s Regional Director for Europe and C ...>>>>>

*** May 11, 2024. Human Rights Commissioner O’Flaherty calls for stronger support to Ukraine From 23 to 25 April 2024, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Michael O’Flaherty carried out a visit to Ukraine (Kyiv). This was his first visit to a member state since taking up hi ...>>>>>

*** May 11, 2024. 64-year-old pensioner jailed in Russian-occupied Crimea for social media posts of a Ukrainian Trident and thanking Ukraine's defenders Maria Zamyrailo-Levytska is the latest of many Ukrainians to be hunted down by the notorious 'Crimean SMERSH' and then prosecuted on surr ...>>>>>

*** May 11, 2024. Ukrainian Bar Association held the 4th Forum on Migration Law Ukrainian Bar Association together with the NGO "UA Experts" held the 4th Forum on Migration Law. This year, the topics for discussion at the event included migration in Ukraine during the war, detection of ...>>>>>

*** May 11, 2024. EU launches new communication campaign ‘Together We Act.Together We Are Europe’ to showcase its support for and role of Ukrainian civil society and independent media As the Russian illegal war against Ukraine persists, the European Union stands in solidarity with Ukrainia ...>>>>>

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Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation