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Ukrainian national football team among homeless (World football homeless cup) – research support.

April 23, 2005.

    *** Charitable fond "Way to home" (Odessa) and "Rule of Law" foundation (Kyiv) and also All Ukrainian social media forum - represent World football homeless cup in Ukraine. Our partnership wants attract attention of Ukrainian business and physical person and also others philanthropists who want help Ukrainian national football team take part in this charitable sport holiday.
    This holiday organizes International Street Net Paper (ISNP). It combines organizations that work with homeless around the world. The members of ISNP sell social media in street and give some opportunity to earn money for people in crisis situations. Today ISNP includes more than 50 members from 28 countries – from South Africa to Russia, Germany and USA.
    The first World football homeless cup passed in July, 2003 in Grace (Austria). At that time the teams consisted of 18 representatives from different countries. There were homeless people and also people who earn money selling newspapers in the street. It was a great success. More than 20 000 spectators came to see 109 games of Cup. The atmosphere was very friendship. Besides, more than 90 journalists and 25 TV Company from all the world sanctify this cup in media and made it the greatest event in Austria. (More detail information in web-site www.streetsoccer.org). Then was World football homeless cup-2004 in Gotenburg (Sweden), where our team for the first time took part and has played well. At that time the trip was organized with support of Kyiv state city administration.
    In this year the championship is spent in Scotland. And our team hopes to take part in this year with help of Ukrainian community.
    All benefactors who will take part in sponsorship of our team will thank accordingly. Their symbols are introduced in the stadium and in our team.
    Giving help and supporting this charitable campaign Ukrainian citizen must know that so they raise Ukrainian authority in the world and present our country among other countries and make honourable affair.
    All benefactors will take financial report.
    You may address to:
    1. Igor Kaminik 0487772070 Charitable fond "Way to home" (Odessa)
    2. Oleg Spornykov 0445380383, spornikov@rol.org.ua,"Rule of Law" foundation (Kyiv).
    Our web-sites: www.rol.org.ua, www.nonprofit.org.ua
    Official information cup sponsor:
    „Social investment” Newspaper
    „Ukraine business” Newspaper
    „ Way to home” Newspaper
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Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation