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EU and Russia set common vision for energy cooperation until 2050

March 27, 2013.

    On 22 March 2013, in Moscow, the Coordinators of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue G.H. Oettinger (Member of the European Commission for Energy) and A.V. Novak (Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation) signed the “Roadmap EU-Russia Energy Cooperation until 2050”.
    According to the Roadmap, the development of long-term Russia-EU cooperation in energy sphere is a necessity for both sides. Therefore the recommendations presented in the Roadmap may help reach a new quality and scale of the bilateral energy partnership.
    The document mentions that by 2050 the EU and Russia should be part of “a common, subcontinent-wide, energy market”, and such an enlarged market will require the gradual approximation of rules, standards and markets in the field of energy.
    The Roadmap recognizes a Pan-European Energy Space as a strategic target that should be achieved by 2050. It should consist of “a functioning integrated network infrastructure, with open, transparent, efficient and competitive markets, making the necessary contribution to ensuring energy security”.
    Other important objectives are to facilitate the market penetration of more environmentally friendly technologies and energy resources and to promote energy efficiency and energy savings on the way to a low-carbon economy.
    Russia is the EU’s largest energy resources importer with 36% of the EU’s total gas imports and 31% of the total crude oil imports coming from Russia.
    Ukraine also maintains long-term relations with the EU in energy field. Since 2001, one of the main objectives of these relations is to guarantee the overall performance, safety and security of the Ukrainian natural gas transit network. Ukraine is a key transit country for energy resources from Russia to the EU.
    Moreover, in December 2005, on the margins of the EU-Ukraine Summit, a Memorandum of Understanding on the cooperation in energy field was signed between the European Commission and the Ukrainian Government. It sets out the co-operation objectives in regard with: the safety of operating Ukrainian Nuclear power plants; the integration of electricity and gas markets; the security of energy supplies and the transit of hydrocarbons; the coal sector; energy efficiency and renewable energies.
    More information:
    The news about signature of “Roadmap EU-Russia Energy Cooperation until 2050”
    “Roadmap EU-Russia Energy Cooperation until 2050”
    EU-Russia Energy Dialogue
    EU-Ukraine energy relations
    Memorandum of Understanding on the cooperation in energy field

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation