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Statement by President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy on the inauguration of Mr Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's President.

June 10, 2014.

    "In attending the inauguration of President Poroshenko in Kiev, I wish to reiterate the European Union's continued support and commitment to Ukraine.
    The clear majority awarded to him in the elections, highlighted the resolve of the Ukrainian people to bring stability back to their country and overcome the challenges it has been facing.
    Today we have new chances for hope. President Poroshenko has received a strong mandate to advance in the path of reforms and turn Ukraine into the modern and democratic country its citizens call for. A united and decentralised country where all will find their place and different identities and minorities will be acknowledged and respected. Inclusive and comprehensive dialogue will no doubt be an important part in leading forward this process of transformation.
    All neighbours stand to benefit from a return to stability in Ukraine and the promotion of growth and development. All neighbours also need to respect its sovereign choices, including stronger ties with the European Union, and its territorial integrity. The European Union will be at Ukraine's side and remains ready to work with those that share these objectives of democracy, prosperity and stability."

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation