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Budget transparency in focus of civil society: new project covering 15 regions kicks off in Odesa

May 24, 2015.

    On 21-24 May, representatives of 15 coalitions of NGOs and the media from 14 regions of Ukraine gather in Odesa for an inaugurating meeting of the winners of the local budget transparency projects.
    The event is held in the framework of the project ‘Civil society and the media - for local budgets transparency’, carried out by Odesa regional organization of NGO ‘Committee of Voters of Ukraine’ in partnership with the ‘Open Society Foundation’. According to the results of the competition, 15 local projects were selected for the purpose monitoring the level of integrity and transparency of local budgets, and conducting advocacy and public awareness campaigns. The projects will be implemented during a year: from May 2015 to April 2016. General public will have an opportunity to monitor the implementation of projects through media and to take part in public events.
    "The meeting aims at coordinating the efforts of all the winners of the projects to achieve a common goal - improving the transparency and integrity of local budgets. In turn, this has a positive effect on the growth and efficiency of their funds", - said Anatoly Boiko, the Head of Odessa regional organization of NGO ‘Committee of Voters of Ukraine’.
    During the meeting the participants will be trained to analyse the public budgets.
    Background information:
    The project ‘Civil society and the media - for local budgets transparency’ aimed at strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations and the media to promote reforms and increase the transparency budgeting and spending of local budgets. During two years of the project implementation, a public partnership ‘For transparent local budgets!’ has been created. The partnership includes about 40 NGOs and media from 17 regions of Ukraine. The project is supported by the Embassy of Finland in Ukraine and the European Union.
    For additional information, please contact
    Press service of the Odessa regional organization
    NGO ‘Committee of Voters of Ukraine’
    Tel.: +380 48 716 40 18,
    e-mail: odesakvu@ukr.net
    Facebook: CVU_Odessa

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation