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European Council 17 December 2004

December 18, 2004.

    1. The leaders and people of Ukraine are to be commended for having found a peaceful solution to the political crisis in their country. This was done within the legal framework of Ukraine and respecting territorial integrity of the country. The European Council compliments the leaders and people of Ukraine on their willingness to work with international facilitators to this end. It is now of utmost importance that the positive developments are sustained and that the Ukrainian electorate can now freely decide on the candidate of its own choice.
    2. Therefore, the European Council calls on the Ukrainian authorities to ensure that the rerun of the second round of presidential elections on 26 December 2004 is held in accordance with OSCE and Council of Europe standards for democratic elections. The European Union and its Member States will offer their fullest support to OSCE/ODIHR in observing the elections, including by sending a substantial number of international observers.
    3. The European Union welcomes the close cooperation between international facilitators of the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and neighbouring countries, including the Russian Federation, in encouraging the parties to find a political solution.
    4. The European Union stresses the strategic importance of Ukraine as a key neighbour and partner of the EU. The European Union and Ukraine have a common interest in further reinforcing their political, economic and cultural ties. The European Council therefore underlines that the EU aims at an enhanced and distinctive relationship by making full use of the new opportunities offered by the European Neighbourhood Policy.
    5. The European Council welcomes the recent endorsement by the Council of the Action Plan with Ukraine. Following the completion of free and fair presidential elections, an early EU-Ukraine Cooperation Council will be organised to launch the Action Plan and lay the basis for more intensive cooperation. The European Council also looks forward to concrete proposals by the Secretary-General/High Representative and the Commission for ways to strengthen cooperation with Ukraine, making full use of the Action Plan, thus enhancing its relationship with the European Union.

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation