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Call for Proposals for the Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation

October 28, 2004.

    The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is pleased to anounce a call for proposals for the 2004 Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation Program. The Fund was established in 2001 to help other countries preserve cultural heritage and demonstrate U.S. respect for other cultures. Proposals may include preservation projects directed at
    A) a cultural site or sites (including preservation of an archaeological or historical site or sacred place or monument; an archaelogical surevy or excavation; preservation management planning; or public education about site or monument preservation issues.)
    B) an object or collection of objects from a site, a museum or similar institution (including conservation of an object or collection of objects; creating suitable space and conditions for a collection; or specialized training in the care and preservations of collections.)
    C) forms of traditional cultural expression (including recording traditional music or dance forms; compiling a dictionary of an endangered language; or recording oral history or traditional poetry.)
    Funds cannot be used for any new construction, nor can they be used for the conservation or purchase of privately owned property or collections.
    Each country may submit only one primary proposal to this fund so competition is high.
    Application Requirements:
    1. Contact person
    2. Proposal Summary
    3. Detailed description of the project and participants, including the time frame for completion (not to exceed 500 words.)
    4. Indicationof the importance of the cultural or sacred site, object or collection or form of expression.
    5. Indication of the urgency of the project.
    6. The impace of the U.S. contribution to the preservation project.
    7. Detailed budget
    8. Indication of other funding sources, if any. Preference is given to those projects with local non-United States Government source cost-sharing.
    Proposals should be sent by March 22 to Exchanges@usembassy.kiev.ua

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation