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Innovation and Technology in Rule of Law Programming

May 9, 2018.

    Enforcement, Engagement, and E-Governance
    Questions about the promises and dangers of technology have recently dominated headlines—but less often covered are the stories of practitioners and start-ups leveraging their know-how to build peace. On May 31, the Justice Sector Training, Research and Coordination Program and the U.S. Institute of Peace will host a symposium to tackle the difficult questions of how technology can be used to strengthen rule of law, security, community engagement, and relationships between states and the people they serve in developing and conflict-affected areas.
    Date: Thursday, May 31, 2018
    Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm
    U.S. Institute of Peace
    2301 Constitution Ave, NW,
    Washington, DC
    Join us for a series of expert panels on technology and rule of law, and an exciting networking session with local entrepreneurs that are driving technology forward to meet peacebuilders' needs.
    9:00am | Welcoming Remarks
    Nancy Lindborg
    President, United States Institute of Peace
    Hamid Khan
    Deputy Director, Rule of Law Collaborative, University of South Carolina
    9:30am | Session One
    Innovations in Law Enforcement: Digital Investigative Analysis & Forensic Science: Advances and Setbacks
    Lindsay Freeman, Moderator
    Human Rights Center Research Fellow, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley
    Mark D. Mogle
    Deputy Assistant Director for Forensics, International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program, U.S. Department of Justice
    Kyo Marie Dolan
    Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Cyber Policy, Strategy and Outreach, U.S. Secret Service
    Cara Murren
    Digital Investigative Analyst, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, U.S. Department of Justice
    11:00am | Networking Break
    Rule of Law and Peacemaking Technology Pavillion
    C5, Representing the PeaceTech Accelerator
    Hala Systems
    International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children
    Keshif Mark Labs
    PeaceTech Lab
    11:45am | Lunch & Keynote Address
    Taavi Kotka
    Former Chief Information Officer, Republic of Estonia
    1:15pm | Session Two
    Innovations in Engagement: From Mobile Apps to Social Media
    Rohini Srihari, Moderator
    Chief Data Scientist, PeaceTech Lab
    Jeffrey Aresty
    President, InternetBar.org
    Karen Naimer
    Director, Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones, Physicians for Human Rights
    Antoine Heuty
    Founder and CEO, Ulula LLC
    Zaid Zaid
    Public Policy, Strategic Response, Facebook, Inc.
    3:00pm | Session Three
    Innovations in E-Governance: From Case Management to Consensus Building
    Andrew Solomon, Moderator
    Senior Rule of Law Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development
    Julia Glidden
    General Manager, IBM Global Business Services - Global Government Industry

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation