EU Sustainable Energy Week 2021 in Ukraine kicked-off this weekend
October 4, 2021.
On Saturday, 2 October 2021, the city of Ternopil, representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Territories and Communities Development opened the 12th EU Sustainable Energy Week in Ukraine.
The event took place in the framework of the communication campaign to support the European Green Deal under the motto “Boosting Green Potential Together”, scheduled until December.
“Ukraine has consistently supported the European Green Deal and is an active organiser of the EU Sustainable Energy Week. This year's week has been the 12th in a row, and we are opening it in the hospitable city of Ternopil. We encourage the Ukrainian authorities, municipalities, private sector, civil society and consumers to promote energy saving and renewable energy initiatives. All this will help Ukraine on its way to the Green Deal, and in the green recovery after the pandemic”, – said Chloe Allio, Head of Economic Cooperation, Energy, Infrastructure and Environment of the EU Delegation to Ukraine.
One of the key activities in the EUSEW2021 opening agenda was the site visit to facilities where energy efficiency measures have already been implemented – a homeowners Association in the city of Chortkiv financed by Energy Efficiency Fund supported by the EU; a thermo-modernised school in Chortkiv with the support of the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and the Eastern Europe Partnership Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership Fund (E5P) and a boiler house in Ternopil upgraded with the support of the EBRR and the E5P Fund.
“Global warming is forcing Ukrainian cities, including Ternopil, to take energy efficiency, saving and renewable energy seriously. Thanks to the European Union and the Green Deal, we have received an additional incentive for energy reform, and we are demonstrating tangible results. Since 2012, Ternopil has fulfilled its commitments under the European ‘Covenant of Mayors’ Initiative to reduce СО2 emissions by 20%, as evidenced by data from the municipal heating and water utilities. We know the Green Deal suggests that by 2050, European cities should completely abandon fossil fuels. This is a very serious challenge for Ukrainian cities, but Ternopil will continue to implement projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all municipal sectors”, said Vladyslav Stemkovsky, Deputy Mayor of Ternopil.
“The scale of the climate challenge motivates the country's leadership at the national and local levels to join their efforts. Voluntary cooperation between the parties and the European Union at all levels is already bearing fruit. Owing to energy-efficient homes, citizens contribute to the fight against climate change and pay much lower bills, while businesses become greener and more attractive for investment”, said Vasyl Lozynsky, the First Deputy Minister of Community and Territories of Ukraine.
A number of seminars on climate change, energy efficiency and decarbonisation took place in Ternopil and involved mayors representing the Association of Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine, the city authorities, homeowners’ associations and EU representatives.
Ternopil citizens and visitors enjoyed outdoor events in the city centre. The opening of the European Sustainable Energy Week began with a morning bicycle race called “Sustainable Energetic Morning Habits”, where EU Delegation representatives and cycling activists took part – including on locally made e-bikes.
A “scientific picnic” on environment and energy was hosted on the Teatralnyi Maidan square, offering an interactive exhibition of energy technologies and discoveries by local schools and universities. EU projects in Ukraine presented their activities in the field of green transition.
In a “No Garbage City” zone, children were invited to interactive master classes on separate waste collection and disposal of used batteries, as well as on creating handmade products from recycled materials.
Young Ternopil citizens, representatives of civil society, the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine and the Association of Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine openly discussed climate change, environmental protection and sustainable energy development during the “Different Generations – One Vision” dialogue.
The EU Sustainable Energy Week will last until 29 October 2021. The signatory cities of the Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy are actively joining this initiative of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine. 14 cities from all over Ukraine have planned to hold Sustainable Energy Days in October to promote energy-efficiency, energy-saving and more environment-friendly way of life and management.
For additional information, please contact Oleksiy Gordeev, Media Expert of the Communicating EU for Ukrainians project (CEU4U), +38 096 951 91 28,
The European Green Deal is an initiative of the European Union focused on transforming Europe into the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050, developing the economy, improving public health and quality of life, and address climate and environmental challenges. The ongoing EU-Ukraine High Level Dialogue on the European Green Deal and the Long-Term Strategy for Ukraine's Climate Neutrality was launched in February 2021.
The EU Sustainable Energy Week in Ukraine is a key pan-European event aimed at promoting the use of sustainable energy, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. The EUSEW in Ukraine has become a platform to discuss issues related to sustainable energy, best practices and innovative ideas on combating climate change.
Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy is a European initiative that engaging local, regional and national authorities to work voluntarily together in order to achieve the European Union’s climate and energy goals. Municipalities that have acceded to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy have made a voluntary commitment to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 30% by 2030. 295 Ukrainian cities have joined the European initiative.
‘Covenant of Mayors – Demonstration Projects’ is a program led by the European Commission, which aims to effectively support the implementation of action plans approved by the selected cities in the field of energy efficiency. Since 2015, the program has supported 17 projects in Ukraine.
Association of Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine (AEECU) is a voluntary association of local governments established to improve quality of life in communities, ensuring their sustainable energy development and protection of climate and environment. It unites more than 90 Ukrainian cities from all the regions of Ukraine. It is an active Covenant Supporter of the Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy in Ukraine.