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“Establishment of an Agricultural Standards Certification and Control Mechanism in Line with WTO-SPS Requirements”

January 19, 2005.

    *** The European Union funded project “Establishment of an Agricultural Standards Certification and Control Mechanism in Line with WTO-SPS Requirements” organises an International Conference “WTO SPS compliance – a key requirement for development of trade in the Ukrainian agrarian sector”.
    On February 9, 2004 the European Union funded project “Establishment of an Agricultural Standards Certification and Control Mechanism in Line with WTO-SPS Requirements” together with the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine will hold a Conference “WTO SPS compliance – a key requirement for development of trade in the Ukrainian agrarian sector”. The Conference will cover a number of important issues concerning the present and the future of Ukraine in the agrarian sector at joining the WTO; the basic tendencies of Ukrainian foreign trade of food stuffs and its influence on the world market; problems connected with practical application of the control and supervision of foodstuff safety and quality. Leading Ukrainian and international experts from the European Union countries and representatives of the state bodies will be the main speakers at the Conference.
    The project which started in November 2003 aims at supporting the economic development of the agricultural sector through the implementation of international standards in food safety, animal and plant health in line with the World Trade Organization and Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by GFA Terra Systems and TUV Nord. The beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.
    To get more information about the conference, registration details etc., please visit www.sps-info.org.ua or contact Grigoriy Fedak on + 38 (044) 428-0630 or e-mail fedak@sps-info.org.ua

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation