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European Commission to award grants to help implement European Integration projects at universities

January 20, 2005.

    The European Commission has launched a new call for projects under its Jean Monnet Action. It will award grants to help academic institutions implement European integration projects by setting up teaching activities and providing support for young researchers and research. Grants can be provided to projects at university level throughout the world, including in Ukraine.
    The Jean Monnet Action provides financial support for:
    ° Jean Monnet Chairs and Jean Monnet Chairs « ad personam » (i.e. full-time teaching posts, entirely devoted to the study of European integration);
    ° Jean Monnet Modules (i.e. courses on European integration of minimum 30 teaching hours);
    ° Jean Monnet European Centres of Excellence (i.e. pluridisciplinary structures pooling scientific, human and documentary resources for European integration studies and research within one or more Universities);
    ° Jean Monnet Transnational Research Groups (i.e. joint research projects between at least three Jean Monnet Chairs, Centres of Excellence and /or national European Community/Union Studies Associations of at least three different countries);
    ° European Community/Union Studies Associations (i.e. national associations of professors and researchers specialised in European integration);
    ° Conferences, seminars, publications in the field of European integration studies;
    ° Young researchers wishing to spend research time in another country.
    The formal deadline for the submission of applications is 31 March 2005. For the detailed application requirements and application forms, see http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/ajm/call_en.html.

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation