Vadim Karasev: Timoshenko is 100 % prime minister
January 28, 2005.
*** Yulia Timoshenko has good chances that her nominee for the post of the prime minister of Ukraine will be voted in parliament.
Yulia Timoshenko has good chances of the parliament voting her nominee on a post of the prime minister of Ukraine. Such opinion was stated by the director of Institute of global strategy, politologist Vadim Karasev.
Replying, whether chances Тимошенко of successful parliamentary support are high enough Karasev answered that the chances are 100%
According to the expert, all last applications and fluctuations of the nearest Victor Yushchenko's colleagues concerning Yulia Timoshenko's nominee are expressed not to block the voting, but to signal to Victor Yushchenko about their attitude to his basic personnel assignment.
According to UNIAN politologist noted, that, as it was predicted, Timoshenko will be supported by the oppositionists rather than Yushchenko’s parteners on revolutionary and not revolutionary struggle. - Karasev thinks that thare are no real intentions to reject Timoshenko’s nominee.
Author: Media-group "Objektiv"