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Action Invited on the Declaration from International Summit onChildren, Poverty and Violence

January 31, 2005.

    *** On October 22 and 23, 2004, recognized specialists and leading experts
    representing 17 different countries from Africa, Asia, North America,
    Latin America and Europe met with youths from Canada and Cuba in
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada for the International Summit on Children,
    Poverty and Violence.
    At the Summit, delegates addressed the main issues, barriers and
    competing interests that were identified as hampering local, national
    and international initiatives to improve the condition of children.
    These included the lack of political will and the misdirected
    distribution of resources. Delegates prepared a five-year child-rights
    based action plan to redress the situation. The resulting Final
    Declaration and Recommendations provide helpful guidelines for action
    in the years to come and are part of an inclusive and participatory
    process aimed at reclaiming civil society and making it work for the
    benefit of children.
    Read the full story here: http://www.iicrd.org/cap/node/view/387
    Best regards,
    Kirill Tysyachnyi
    Honorary President of
    CNGO 'Kyiv Parliament of children' mailto:kyrix@i.com.ua

Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation