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*** November 16, 2018. EU is helping to increase investment into sustainable energy development in Ukraine and UNECE region The European Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) support creating favourable economic environment for increasing private investment in ...>>>>>

*** October 28, 2018. EU Delegation statement on the Public Administration Reform The EU is closely following the recent developments of Public Administration Reform in Ukraine. Much progress has been achieved while more needs to be done. The EU remains committed to providing further Budge ...>>>>>

*** October 3, 2018. Oleh Sentsov is among nominees of Sakharov Prize 2018 Oleh Sentsov, a Ukrainian film director illegally detained by Russia, has become one of the nominees for the 2018 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. He was nominated by the European People’s Party of the Europea ...>>>>>

*** September 28, 2018. EU Delegation’s information activities in Mykolaiv and Yuzhnoukrainsk On 1 – 3 October 2018, experts of the EU Delegation to Ukraine will pay an official visit to Mykolaiv and Yuzhnoukrainsk, where the following information activities are planned to be held: What? ...>>>>>

*** September 23, 2018. _MEPs and MPs determined to bring Kyiv closer to the EU Following MEPs visit to Ukraine on 17-20 September on the occasion of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee meeting, the Chair of the delegation Dariusz Rosati stated: "We held the 8th meeting of ...>>>>>

*** September 18, 2018. The list of candidates for the Public Council of International Experts submitted The EU has been requested by the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, alongside 14 other international organisations, to nominate candidates for the Public Council of Int ...>>>>>

*** September 18, 2018. Quality of laws discussed at international high-level conference in Kyiv On September 17, 2018, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine jointly with the EU-funded projects EU4PAR and Association4U held a high-level international conference "Improving the Methodology, ...>>>>>

*** September 10, 2018. Statement on the announcement of Statement by the Spokesperson on the announcement of "elections" in the so-called "Luhansk People's Republic" and "Donetsk People's Republic" The European Union fully supports the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity ...>>>>>

*** September 9, 2018. There is a high time to apply now for positions of judges atthe High Anti-Corruption Court EU Ambassador Hugues Mingarelli and the Head of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative Eka Tkeshelashvili recorded a short video appeal, in which they explain the importance of the ...>>>>>

*** July 30, 2018. 14 new projects will promote European Studies in Ukraine under EU-funded ERASMUS+ Programme: Jean Monnet Actions from 2018 Among 180 project-winners from all over the world of the Call 2018 Erasmus+ Jean Monnet actions Ukraine has won 14 projects: 10 Modules on sustainab ...>>>>>

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