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*** June 22, 2005. JOB DESCRIPTION OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR, AFEW REGIONAL OFFICE IN KYIV I Terms of Reference: Place within the organiszation: • Reports to the Regional Director; • Shares some administrative responsibilities with other assistants, as part of a team. Job Location: K ...>>>>>

*** June 21, 2005. The First International Youth Festival “Youth Capital” *** dedicated to Ukrainian Youth Day Kharkiv, Ukraine, June 24-26, 2005 Kharkiv, Ukraine, June 24-26, 2005 PROGRAM IN DETAIL: June 24, 2005 11.00 Press-conference of the Organization Committee Top-managemen ...>>>>>

*** June 16, 2005. HANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS EC DELEGATION UKRAINE *** Please be informed that the telephone number of the EC Delegation to Ukraine has been changed with effect from Tuesday 21 June: Our primary phone number 4620010 will be changed to 2533020. Our local fax number 46209 ...>>>>>

*** June 14, 2005. EU welcomes progress in reforms in Ukraine *** The ninth meeting of the EU-Ukraine Co-operation Council took place today, 13 June, in Luxembourg. The meeting allowed both sides to review the progress achieved in the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Action Plan since the ...>>>>>

*** June 10, 2005. Special photo exhibition "Kyiv through the eyes of British photographers" 10-30th June 2005 *** The British Council Ukraine is proud to announce a special exhibition "Kyiv through the eyes of British photographers" from 10-30 June 2005. Artemi Kyriacou and Hugh Turvey (w ...>>>>>

*** June 6, 2005. Ukraine - Europe *** An agreement was іnіtіalled today on Ukraіne's partіcіpatіon іn Europe's satellіte radіonavіgatіon programme by Mr Francoіs Lamoureux, Dіrector-General for Energy and Transport, representіng the European Commіssіon, and by Mr Shamshur, deputy Mіnіster ...>>>>>

*** June 2, 2005. CALL FOR APPLICATION PROJECTTHE NEW EUROPEAN BORDERS: A YOUNG PEOPLE POINT OF VIEW *** Description: The project THE NEW EUROPEAN BORDERS: A YOUNG PEOPLE POINT OF VIEW brings together 40 youngsters from Ukraine, Estonia, Italy and Russia. During the exchange 4 groups of ...>>>>>

*** May 28, 2005. Dear colleagues, directors of NGO and TV-station, which address to us for video production, which is produced by our TV studio – Rule of law TV! *** We want to thank all of you for attention to our work. Last time more then 27 NGOs and 7 TV companies have addressed to us ...>>>>>

*** May 27, 2005. Meet Europe in your home town! *** The EU’s Regional Information Bus Tour On 14 May in Kyiv, 19 May in Odessa and 22 May in Donetsk the largest Europe Day in the world was celebrated in Ukraine. Hundred of thousands of Ukrainian citizens visited the European Villages in ...>>>>>

*** May 21, 2005. Flower Show at the British Council Kyiv 24 May 2005 *** The RHS Chelsea Flower Show, one of the most exciting and beautiful flower shows on Earth, runs from Monday 23 May to Saturday 28 May this year at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, London. You are welcome to British Coun ...>>>>>

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Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation