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*** April 1, 2005. What's all this about the UN Study on Violence? *** Information for Children This publication provides information to children about the Regional Consultation for the UN Study on Violence against Children in East Asia Pacific. It is produced by members of the Regio ...>>>>>

*** March 31, 2005. Former Delegation Staff Member Awarded with Parliamentary Honourable Diploma *** Former Delegation Staff Member Awarded with Parliamentary Honourable Diploma Today Mr Nikita Konstantinov received an Horourable Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. This award was gi ...>>>>>

*** March 29, 2005. EU-Ukraine Ministerial Troika, Kiev, 30 March 2005 *** On 30 March, an EU Troika will meet Ukrainian Foreign Minister Boris Tarasyuk for discussions on the development of EU-Ukraine relations. Discussions will focus in particular on internal developments in Ukraine, and ...>>>>>

*** March 28, 2005. UN Study on Violence Against Children: European and Central Asia *** In preparation for the Regional Consultation for the UN Study on Violence Against Children in Europe and Central Asia, "Stop Violence Against Children: Act Now!" to be held in July in Slovenia, the W ...>>>>>

*** March 23, 2005. Kyiv City adopts European standards in Tuberculosis control *** Tuberculosis is an infectious disease with serious consequences for those who suffer from it. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, tuberculosis has been on the increase in Ukraine. The number of patients ...>>>>>

*** March 23, 2005. Ambassador Ian Boag, Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine will visit Odessa on 25 March 2005 - to meet with the Mayor Ruslan Bodelan, representatives of the Oblast Administration and the Oblast Council, the local business community, students and ...>>>>>

*** March 17, 2005. Open House for Youth Organisations Dear friends, On 21 March at 1400 - 1600, the British Council's Resource and Information Centre will host Open House for Youth Organisations. This event is organised jointly by the British Council and the World Bank Office in Ukrain ...>>>>>

*** March 14, 2005. UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Public Day of Discussion to Focus on Children Without Parental Care *** The Committee on the Rights of the Child has decided to devote its next day of general discussion, September 16, 2005 in Geneva, to the theme of children w ...>>>>>

*** March 11, 2005. The EU gіves new momentum to the extensіon of the Odessa-Brody pіpelіne to Plock *** Followіng the sіgnature of the EU-Ukraіne Actіon Plan on 21 February 2005 experts from the European Commіssіon, Poland and Ukraіne met іn Kyіv on 11 March 2005 for a trіlateral technіca ...>>>>>

*** March 10, 2005. Invitation to Press Conference “Update on the Odessa-Brody Project financed by the European Commission” *** The European Commission would like to inform mass media representatives about the results of the trilateral technical meeting between the European Commission, Pol ...>>>>>

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