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*** February 27, 2005. Ukrainian national football team among homeless (World football homeless cup) – research support. *** Charitable fond "Way to home" (Odessa) and "Rule of Law" foundation (Kyiv) and also All Ukrainian social media forum - represent World football homeless cup in Ukrai ...>>>>>

*** February 26, 2005. The EU funded project assisted SME development in Ukraine *** Final presentation of the project results - Kyiv, 01 March 2005 The project ‘Improving of SME Environment in Ukraine’, with a budget of 2,850,000 EUR, was implemented by a consortium led by ECORYS (the ...>>>>>

*** February 25, 2005. Ombudsperson Nina Karpacheva cautions against media's denationalization *** The news agency Ukrinform is playing an important role in securing Ukrainian citizens' constitutional right to information, particularly with regard to the Ukrainian State's policies, Ukraini ...>>>>>

*** February 25, 2005. HUMAN SECURITY FOR UKRAINIAN YOUTH *** TERMS OF REFERENCES for the National Survey on Youth Security Problems in Ukraine 1. Introduction The Program “Human Security for Ukrainian Youth” is aimed at further support of the young women and men of Ukraine in shapi ...>>>>>

*** February 24, 2005. LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (job) *** Chemonics International, through the USAID-funded Local Economic Development project, seeks highly qualified candidates for the position of Local Economic Development Advisor to help lead strategic planning teams in select Ukrai ...>>>>>

*** February 23, 2005. NGO GROUP FOR THE CRC: Professional Internship Programme *** Dates: 9 May - 17 June 2005 The NGO Group for the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has set up an internship programme whose purpose is to enable coalitions/NGOs to have an improved under ...>>>>>

*** February 22, 2005. International Philanthropy Fellows Program 2004-2005 *** The Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies, Center for Civil Society Studies is pleased to announce a call for applications for the International Fellows in Philanthropy Program for the 2004-2005 academic y ...>>>>>

*** February 18, 2005. Visits in Ukraine *** European Commіssіoner for External Relatіons and European Neіghbourhood Polіcy, Benіta Ferrero-Waldner, wіll vіsіt Ukraіne on 17 February, to meet Presіdent Vіktor Yushchenko, Prіme Mіnіster Yulіa Tіmoshenko, Deputy Prіme Mіnіster on European Іn ...>>>>>

*** February 18, 2005. Are Ukrainian accountants in love with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)? *** The answer may well be yes as more than 400 people applied to attend the end of project conference of the European Union TACIS project ‘Accountancy Training in Ukraine’ due ...>>>>>

*** February 16, 2005. PROJECT „PARLIAMENT NGO CLUB” (Letter of inquiry for support of the project) *** Dear Sirs or madams, Please find the Letter of inquiry of our possible co-operation within the project “Parliament’s NGO Club”. The project was started in September 2003 by Foundat ...>>>>>

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