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*** December 8, 2004. EC Delegation Kyiv, News *** Statement by Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP, after the latest decisions by the Ukrainian Parliament Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), made today the following ...>>>>>

*** December 4, 2004. UKRAINE'S Supreme Court has handed a major victory to opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko, cancelling last month's disputed run-off vote between Yushchenko and his Kremlin-backed rival and sending opposition supporters into jubilant celebrations. *** The court decisio ...>>>>>

*** December 2, 2004. European Parliament resolution on Ukraine The European Parliament, having regard to its previous resolutions on Ukraine having regard, in particular, to its resolution on Ukraine adopted on 28 October 2004, having regard to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreeme ...>>>>>

*** December 1, 2004. Yushchenko's acne points to dioxin poisoning, - *** But experts challenge diagnosis that relies on snapshots of politician. As disputed presidential election results provoke protests in Kiev, a British toxicologist is supporting candidate Viktor Yushchenko's claim tha ...>>>>>

*** November 30, 2004. EC Delegation Kyiv, News *** Javier Solana EU High Representative for the CFSP will arrive to Kyiv, Ukraine, on 30 November 2004. Mr Solana will be available for a statement at the Kyiv airport Borispol. Time of arrival: 9 pm. Accreditation: Anje Schubert, Tel: ...>>>>>

*** November 30, 2004. Declaration by the Presidency of the European Union on Ukraine *** The Presidency of the European Union calls on all parties to meet again in the same formation as during the roundtable talks on 26 November this year and to live up to the agreements made there. Respe ...>>>>>

*** November 27, 2004. Ukraine's parliament on Saturday declared invalid the disputed presidential election that triggered a week of growing street protests and legal maneuvers, raising the possibility that a new vote could be held in this former Soviet republic *** Ukraine Rivals Fail t ...>>>>>

*** November 26, 2004. Ukraine's outgoing president will meet Friday with opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko in the presence of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych and European envoys in a bid to solve a political crisis over the country's disputed election, a European Union (new *** Alth ...>>>>>

*** November 26, 2004. Declaration by the Presidency of the European Union on Ukraine 24-11-2004 The EU has noted that the second round of the presidential elections last Sunday has fallen far short of international standards for democratic elections. Therefore, it comes as no surprise ...>>>>>

*** November 26, 2004. Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, will travel to Kiev on Friday 26 November 2004 26 November 2004 Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, will travel to Kiev on Friday 26 No ...>>>>>

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