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*** December 24, 2004. Contact Making Seminar *** 'Path to Equality Land' 17-22 February 2005 Tbilisi, Georgia The primary aim of the activity is the creation of an international network that can let growing a new consciousness about women rights. The contact-making seminar will be ...>>>>>

*** December 24, 2004. Statement by Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP on the forthcoming Presidential Elections in Ukraine *** Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), made today the following statement with regard to the rep ...>>>>>

*** December 22, 2004. The European Union project, “Support to the Election Process in Ukraine” continues its cooperation with the Central Election Commission before the repeat voting of the second round of the Election of the President of Ukraine on December 26, 2004, *** Аnd has produced ...>>>>>

*** December 21, 2004. Yushchenko attacks, Yanukovich ducks in TV debate ahead of rerun vote *** KIEV (AFP) - Ukraine opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko hammered his presidential rival for stealing votes as the two men faced off during their sole televised debate days ahead of a historic ...>>>>>

*** December 18, 2004. European Council 17 December 2004 1. The leaders and people of Ukraine are to be commended for having found a peaceful solution to the political crisis in their country. This was done within the legal framework of Ukraine and respecting territorial integrity of the c ...>>>>>

*** December 15, 2004. Council of Europe is shocked by Yuschenko poisoning *** The Council of Europe is shocked by the news on dioxins poisoning of opposition presidential candidate Victor Yuschenko. “It is really shocking news and it disturbs us as well as it does disturb Ukrainian peo ...>>>>>

*** December 14, 2004. Ukraine pays 3rd coupon on 2003 Eurobonds KYIV. Dec 14 (Interfax) - Ukraine on Monday paid $38.25 million in the third coupon on its 10-year Eurobonds, placed in 2003, a source in the Ukrainian Finance Ministry told Interfax. The source said that the payment was ...>>>>>

*** December 14, 2004. Ukraine presidential staff chief hasn't resigned - official KYIV. Dec 14 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma's representative in parliament, Oleksandr Zadorozhniy, has denied assertions that presidential chief of staff Viktor Medvedchuk is stepping ...>>>>>

*** December 9, 2004. Application of a foreign trade regime: standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment in Ukraine *** The EU funded project “Application of a foreign trade regime: standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment in Ukraine” and DERZHSPOZHIVSTANDA ...>>>>>

*** December 8, 2004. Declaration by the Presidency of the European Union on Ukraine *** The Presidency of the European Union welcomes the decision of the Parliament of Ukraine on 8 December 2004 to pass a package of measures changing the electoral code, the composition of the Central Elec ...>>>>>

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