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*** June 24, 2005. Siim Kallas, Vice President of the European Commission visits Kyiv to discuss administrative and judicial reforms with Ukraine’s leadership *** European Commissioner Siim Kallas, Vice President of the European Commission visits Kyiv from 26-28 June. Commissioner Kallas’ ...>>>>>

*** June 24, 2005. SOUND LEGAL ENVIRONMENT, CONSISTENCY AND SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO RULES AND STANDARDS – A KEY TO EFFECTIVE MORTGAGE MARKET STRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT *** On 22 June 2005, a round table meeting entitled “Mor! tgage Lending: Ukrainian Realities and Development Prospects” hosted b ...>>>>>

*** June 22, 2005. Press Conference On June 30, 2005, President Hotel Kyyivskyi will host the presentation of the Tacis Project Development of a System of Continuing Education at Workplace. This Project is a support to the state in reforming of the system of life-long continuing education ...>>>>>

*** June 22, 2005. JOB DESCRIPTION OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR, AFEW REGIONAL OFFICE IN KYIV I Terms of Reference: Place within the organiszation: • Reports to the Regional Director; • Shares some administrative responsibilities with other assistants, as part of a team. Job Location: K ...>>>>>

*** June 21, 2005. The First International Youth Festival “Youth Capital” *** dedicated to Ukrainian Youth Day Kharkiv, Ukraine, June 24-26, 2005 Kharkiv, Ukraine, June 24-26, 2005 PROGRAM IN DETAIL: June 24, 2005 11.00 Press-conference of the Organization Committee Top-managemen ...>>>>>

*** June 16, 2005. HANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS EC DELEGATION UKRAINE *** Please be informed that the telephone number of the EC Delegation to Ukraine has been changed with effect from Tuesday 21 June: Our primary phone number 4620010 will be changed to 2533020. Our local fax number 46209 ...>>>>>

*** June 14, 2005. EU welcomes progress in reforms in Ukraine *** The ninth meeting of the EU-Ukraine Co-operation Council took place today, 13 June, in Luxembourg. The meeting allowed both sides to review the progress achieved in the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Action Plan since the ...>>>>>

*** June 10, 2005. Special photo exhibition "Kyiv through the eyes of British photographers" 10-30th June 2005 *** The British Council Ukraine is proud to announce a special exhibition "Kyiv through the eyes of British photographers" from 10-30 June 2005. Artemi Kyriacou and Hugh Turvey (w ...>>>>>

*** June 6, 2005. Ukraine - Europe *** An agreement was іnіtіalled today on Ukraіne's partіcіpatіon іn Europe's satellіte radіonavіgatіon programme by Mr Francoіs Lamoureux, Dіrector-General for Energy and Transport, representіng the European Commіssіon, and by Mr Shamshur, deputy Mіnіster ...>>>>>

*** June 2, 2005. CALL FOR APPLICATION PROJECTTHE NEW EUROPEAN BORDERS: A YOUNG PEOPLE POINT OF VIEW *** Description: The project THE NEW EUROPEAN BORDERS: A YOUNG PEOPLE POINT OF VIEW brings together 40 youngsters from Ukraine, Estonia, Italy and Russia. During the exchange 4 groups of ...>>>>>

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Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation