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*** October 15, 2005. Ukraine is getting ready to implement Kyoto mechanisms The two-day workshop devoted to Joint Implementation (JI) projects and greenhouse gases (GHG) registry was held in Odessa 29-30 September 2005. It was running under the auspices of the EU-funded TACIS project to a ...>>>>>

*** October 12, 2005. World Press Photo exhibition *** Between 15 October and 6 November the British Council Ukraine and Centre of Contemporary Art supported by Royal Netherlands Embassy in Kiev, Goethe-Institute in Kyiv, French Cultural centre, The Royal Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine, Worl ...>>>>>

*** October 12, 2005. Cambridge examinations in English *** Registration for the November-December session of the Cambridge examinations in English (KET. PET, FCE, CAE, CPE) will take place at the British Council from 10 till 21 October. For further information, please contact the exami ...>>>>>

*** October 11, 2005. Training Course for Managers (Administrators) in the Healthcare System of Ukraine One of the major factors for successful realization of the health reform in Ukraine is creations of a core of managers who have the appropriate level of knowledge and skills, and who are ...>>>>>

*** October 7, 2005. CIVIC EDUCATION EuropeAid/1186788/C/SV/UA Ukraine Civic Education Project PILOT OBLAST WORKSHOP 6 October 2005 Kyiv City In-service Teacher Training Institute after Boris Grinchenko Tychyny Street, Kyiv A Project workshop, organised by Cambridge Education an ...>>>>>

*** October 5, 2005. EC Delegation Kyiv, News *** The European Commission today issued this clarification, on the state of play concerning preparations for negotiations with Ukraine on visa facilitation: "The Commission submitted a draft negotiating mandate for visa facilitation to the ...>>>>>

*** October 3, 2005. Launch of European Commission Border Assistance Mission to the Republic of Moldova and to Ukraine On 7 October 2005 the European Commissioner for External Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the Foreign Minister of Moldova A. Strata ...>>>>>

*** October 3, 2005. On this week has ended the 16th International school on human rights in Medzeshin (Warsaw), that its twice a year carries out by Polish Foundation on human rights *** Multinational Medzeshin society of humane rights activists, interesting lectures, nights near a fire, ...>>>>>

*** September 28, 2005. New website for the European Parliament *** The European Parliament has just launched a new website under the slogan "457 million citizens @ one address". Available in 20 languages, this new site is a more dynamic and attractive information tool than its predecessor ...>>>>>

*** September 24, 2005. INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME *** The Robert Bosch Foundation, together with the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe, the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, the Bernard van Leer Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and the Ger ...>>>>>

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Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation