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*** January 25, 2006. Connecting EU-Ukraine Civil Society EESC Conference in Ukraine 6 and 7 February 2006 Radisson SAS, Kyiv, Ukraine Press meeting, 6 February at approx. 4 p.m. On 6-7 February 2006 the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will hold a conference ent ...>>>>>

*** January 9, 2006. Javier Solana, welcomes the agreement between Russia and Ukraine on gas supplies Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), made the following statement concerning the agreement reached between Ukraine and Russia on gas sup ...>>>>>

*** January 4, 2006. The European Commission on Russia-Ukraine gas talks The European Commission follows the talks very closely. We are concerned but remain confident that an agreement will be reach and that both Russia and Ukraine will honour their commitments to supply European gas marke ...>>>>>

*** December 31, 2005. Please, accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year and Christmas – top and bright marks in the constellation of events and dates which are dear to all of us. These celebrations raise us over the everyday routine, paint our lives with unique colours and are gra ...>>>>>

*** December 29, 2005. European Commission makes available new grants for human rights projects in Ukraine The European Commission today launched a Call for Proposals "Fostering Culture of Human Rights" for Micro-Projects in Ukraine under the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rig ...>>>>>

*** December 5, 2005. U.S. PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEERS WHO SERVED IN UKRAINE URGE CONGRESS TO REPEAL JACKSON-VANIK TRADE RESTRICTIONS For Release: Monday, December 5, 2005 Contact: Ken Bossong (+1-301-588-4741) WASHINGTON DC -- In a letter delivered today to Members of the U.S. House of ...>>>>>

*** December 2, 2005. EU and Ukraіne sіgn an agreement on GALІLEO Government leaders meetіng іn the EU-Ukraіne Summіt have decіded to extend the Ukraіne-EU partnershіp to cover Europe's satellіte radіonavіgatіon programme GALІLEO. The agreement was sіgned today іn Kіev by Prіme Mіnіster Yu ...>>>>>

*** December 2, 2005. The EU sіgned today an avіatіon agreement wіth Ukraіne whіch wіll allow European aіrlіnes to fly between any EU Member State and Ukraіne. "After the fіrst agreement sіgned wіth Chіle іn October, thіs new agreement gіves all EU aіrlіnes access to the aіr transport mark ...>>>>>

*** December 1, 2005. Solana and Ferrero-Waldner to launch Border Assistance Mission in Odessa 30 November High Representative Javier Solana and European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, will represent the European Union (EU) i ...>>>>>

*** December 1, 2005. President Barroso to attend EU-Ukraine Summit in Kiev on 1 December: Commission proposes granting of Market Economy Status for Ukraine The EU and Ukraine will hold their first Summit since the “Orange Revolution” on 1 December in Kiev. The Summit will take place at a ...>>>>>

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