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*** September 10, 2005. The Ukrainian Helsinki union is ready to give to court documented evidences of infringements at elections *** Yesterday "Documented evidences of mass infringements during elections" was distributed among deputies of pro-regime fractions at opening of extraordinary s ...>>>>>

*** September 1, 2005. EU funded project for Small and Medium Enterprises in Agriculture to provide strategic advice to 16 Ukrainian enterprises *** Project “Improvement of logistic services and marketing channels for SMEs in agriculture” is pleased to announce the successful completion of ...>>>>>

*** August 31, 2005. 14-16 September 2005 In September, the largest gathering of world leaders in history will see over 170 Heads of State converging to the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the 2005 World Summit. The Summit will be an opportunity to review progress made so fa ...>>>>>

*** August 27, 2005. Session of the Coalition of public organizations *** 15th of August, 2005 In Kiev in Foundation "Rule of law" took place in the end of July, 2005 the next session of the Coalition of public organizations "For strengthening of influence of a civil society on process of ...>>>>>

*** August 27, 2005. EU launches on-lіne Export Helpdesk to help Ukraіnіan companіes access EU market *** The European Commіssіon launched the second phase of іts on-lіne Export Helpdesk for developіng countrіes. The new servіce provіdes detaіled іnformatіon on the specіfіc іmport requіrem ...>>>>>

*** August 25, 2005. International Festival of Children's Art, Television and Press will be *** The motto of the festival that stayed unchanged all 12 times the event was held is "I want to see the world happy". The aim of the festival is to involve young people in social, cultural, and ...>>>>>

*** August 25, 2005. Dear friends, colleagues. *** Rule of law foundation congratulates you on the occasion of the 14th Anniversary of the Ukraine Independence. We wish you and your families the peace and prosperity. The ROL Staff ...>>>>>

*** July 29, 2005. EXECUTIVE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM *** The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is pleased to announce the commencement of its Executive Internship Program, aimed at bringing a new generation of professionals into Ukraine’s government agencies. This pr ...>>>>>

*** July 18, 2005. Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP, to visit Ukraine Tuesday 19 July 2005 Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), will visit Kiev, Ukraine, on Tuesday 19 July, for meetings with several political leaders. ...>>>>>

*** July 18, 2005. EU funded project for Small and Medium Enterprises in Agriculture to expand its activities to three regions of Ukraine After continuous negotiations and consultations between the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of the Ukraine and the Project “Improvement of Logistic Services ...>>>>>

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Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation