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*** March 17, 2013. Teachers from Kindergarten to primary school level April 25- 28 2013: Sofia, Bulgaria Teachers from Kindergarten to primary school level This workshop will explore the good pedagogical practices for the development of key competencies, and will be in English, Germ ...>>>>>

*** March 16, 2013. Handbook on EU funding for the Neighborhood released A handbook on “European Union Funding for the Neighbourhood and Russia” was released at the beginning of March. It seeks to demonstrate how some of the funding for the Neighourhood works, who is involved and where mor ...>>>>>

*** March 16, 2013. Racing closer to the Sustainable Energy Week Be a part of the European movement for energy efficiency! The EU Delegation to Ukraine together with its international and Ukrainian partners is preparing the next edition of the European Union Sustainable Energy Week (EUS ...>>>>>

*** March 16, 2013. Statement of the EU Delegation about Ukraine’s intention to revise its WTO commitments The EU Delegation in Ukraine was surprised to read comments by Valeriy Pyatnitskiy, the Ukrainian government's envoy for European Integration, that the EU has not provided any informa ...>>>>>

*** March 16, 2013. EIB pledges EUR 41 million loan for modernisation of Ukraine’s air navigation system The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing a EUR 41 million loan to finance a comprehensive programme implemented by the Ukrainian State Air Traffic Service Enterprise, focused on ...>>>>>

*** February 17, 2013. Energy consumption in the EU has decreased by 6% since 2008 Twenty-three Member States registered decreases in their energy consumption between 2008 and 2011; only four registered increases, according to data published on 13 February by Eurostat, EU statistical offic ...>>>>>

*** February 14, 2013. Statement by Commissioner Borg on the findings of horse meat in meat products containing different type of meat Since we are talking about safety I want to take this opportunity to assure EU citizens that I am following very closely the situation that has arisen in t ...>>>>>

*** February 14, 2013. Statement from Obama, Van Rompuy and Barroso on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership “We, the Leaders of the United States and the European Union, are pleased to announce that, based on recommendations from the U.S.-EU High Level Working Group on Jobs and ...>>>>>

*** February 12, 2013. Died today - Gennady I. Udovenko. He was 82 years old. He was a renowned diplomat. Long was a member of the Ukrainian parliament. Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations. Mr. Udovenko. was a friend of our organization. Permanent participated in ...>>>>>

*** February 7, 2013. news On 5 February, the European Commission adopted two proposals to reinforce the EU's existing rules on anti-money laundering and fund transfers. Commenting upon these proposals, Internal Market and Services Commissioner Michel Barnier said: “Flows of dirty mon ...>>>>>

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Supported by Eurasia Foundation Supported by Eurasia Foundation